Konferencja w Cambridge
Innovation Center
evening event – LGBT+ Diamonds
Awards at the Studio Theatre
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Bardzo serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim osobom i organizacjom, które wzięły udział w naszym wydarzeniu: nominującym, nominowanym, jury, prowadzącym oraz oczywiście laureatom/laureatkom/laureatx!
Magia tego wydarzenia sięgnęła znacznie dalej niż sala Cambridge Innovation Center i deski Teatru Studio, gdzie odbyły się dzienna konferencja i wieczorna gala rozdania nagród. LGBT+ Diamonds Awards cieszyło się też dużym zainteresowaniem w internecie. Dziękujemy wszystkim obserwującym nasze profile w mediach społecznościowych oraz będącym z nami wirtualnie podczas wieczornej gali – za każde polubienie, komentarz, udostępnienie i obecność, choć na odległość.
Szczególne ukłony składamy naszym Partnerom, Partnerkom, Patronom i Matronkom – to dzięki Waszemu wsparciu możliwa była organizacja zarówno gali, jak i dziennej konferencji.
09:30 - 10:00
Registration & Networking
10:00 - 10:15
Opening: Ela Bonda, Łukasz Antkiewicz
10:15 - 10:20
Top 3 Nominations:
LGBT+ supporting employer of the year |
10:20 - 10:30
Speech: Ministress Katarzyna Kotula
Ministress for Equality Katarzyna Kotula |
10:30 - 11:05
Panel: Maciej Korus, Magdalena Dropek, Karolina Kędziora, Agata Oktawiec
From Policy to Practice: are human rights important to economy? Securing human rights for all of the people is a no brainer. Katarzyna Kotula will share with us what the government is doing in attempt to achieve that. But is this important to economy too? Are the businesses losing from Rainbow families not being recognised as families? Is legal order around queer matters critical to country growth? |
11:05 - 11:30
Coffee Break & Networking
11:30 - 11:35
Top 3 Nominations:
LGBT+ Employee Led Network of the Year |
11:35 - 11:40
Intro Speech:
Corporate Activism Unleashed: The Role of Companies in Advancing LGBT+ Equality |
11:40 - 12:15
Panel: Ela Bonda, Małgorzata Celinska, Tomasz Bąk, Maja Zabawska, Ingrid Sivakova
The perception of business field being ever-supporting of LGBT+ community is not always true. How did we feel reading about 'businesses' stealing or buying Warsaw's pride? Is it fair to accuse all companies of pinkwashing? How does a 'corporate' activists' purpose differ from one outside the business? |
12:15 - 12:20
Top 3 Nominations:
LGBT+ supporting initiative of the year |
12:20 - 12:25
Intro Speech:
Breaking the Silence: A Fireside Chat on Transgender Visibility and Resilience |
12:25 - 13:00
Panel: Katarzyna Kaczmarek, Grzegorz Żak
How would you feel suing your beloved parents to be yourself? What does a prosecutor have to do with your name and identity? Why a judge has to confirm who you are? And no, none of this is science fiction in Poland. |
13:00 - 13:45
Coffee Break & Networking
13:45 - 13:50
Top 3 Nominations:
NGO of the year |
Intro Speech:
Inclusive Language, Inclusive Lives: Shaping Culture through LGBT+ Affirming Communication |
13:55 - 14:30
Panel Dyskusyjny: Tomasz Piotrowski, Aneta Korycińska (Baba od polskiego), Miłosz Przepiórkowski
Words can cut like a knife, they say. Does language really matter? Or should we respect ones right to express themselves as they wish? Where the line of freedom in language lays and why it is important to protect it? |
14:30 - 14:35
Top 3 Nominations:
LGBT+ ambassador of the year |
14:35 - 14:40
Intro Speech:
Equality across Poland |
14:40 - 15:15
Panel: Krzysztof Kiryczuk, Aleksandra Muzinska, Grzegorz Sienkiewicz, Ewa Puszkiewicz
The environment for positive social change in the country is shaped by both business and local councils. Increasingly, local and municipal authorities, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, recognise the need to fight for human rights and the tangible benefits of combating discrimination. Businesses and public administration have diverse sets of tools that enable them to promote openness and equality within their local communities, not only for the sake of human rights but also to create more economically dynamic, entrepreneurial, and innovative hubs. Is the promotion of diversity and equality in Poland still primarily the domain of large companies and major urban centers? Let’s discuss the collaboration between businesses and local councils committed to the fight for equality and human rights. |
15:15 - 15:30
Top 3 Nominations:
Local game changer of the year |
15:30 - 15:40
Closing remarks: Ela Bonda, Lukas Antkiewicz